Friday, October 31, 2008


Added 5 female bettas earlier this week, all have been named by my daughters:
Buttercup - a yellow/cream color
Princess - a crowntail
Blue-leaf - a metallic blue that likes to stay back in the plants
Cherry - a red
Black stripe - a pale blue with strong horizontal stripes

The day after, black stripe was MIA and has not been seen since. I can't even find the body, probably festering under a log. I have been monitoring ammonia levels and so far, no ammonia.

Here is a pic of blue leaf. I need to spend some time researching how to photo fish without them being blurry.

The plants are doing well. The crypt melt is still underway, but there is a lot of new growth as well. The radican sword is putting up a new leaf, veined with red - a good sign that the substrate is iron rich.

Moonlighting has been installed. Rather than shooting the beam directly into the tank I have it screwed into the side of the canopy so that the light shines across the top of the tank. I think it looks more natural this way and is not as intense.

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