Friday, June 26, 2009

Secret Plans (shhhh)

Met with a fellow tank keeper that I met online and he gave me a few plants and fish. He had a really neat tank, a 20g long. I have been trying to make secret plans to get one for myself (but don't tell my wife).

One fish he gave me was a little tiny baby bristlenose pleco (long fin). I hope it is a boy.

No full shots yet... the plants are not well. The crypts have all melted with the addition of CO2 and need more time to recover.


Shae said...

I do check this on occassion- so mentioning secret plans on your blog probably isn't the best idea. And sure, you can get another tank... as soon as all your other tanks look like they were designed and cared for by Amano. Hence my lack of concern about another tank any time soon.

Perry said...

Sweeet, that was a maybe.

Kacey said...

Perry Perry Perry...all this stress. Just do what I did with the fishtank you gave me in college. NOTHING. I didn't clean it one time for like a whole year. It grew all kinds of fascinating things and you know the oddest thing about it? Not a single one of our fish ever died the whole time we had it. Or I don't think they was kind of hard to see.